Why is now the time for You to consider Estate Planning?

All of the above considerations are important and things you can take care of now!

For many people, these discussions and decisions may feel uncomfortable and upsetting. Oftentimes, unless you have had personal experience with what it takes to handle medical, financial, and estate matters for someone, it is normal to feel confused about the value and purpose of estate planning. 

Where do I go from here?

Many of our clients started just where you are, but once they felt clear about how the law could impact those they love when encountering your Incapacity and death, they took action.  So what is next? Your first step is to book a Complimentary "First-Step" 30-minute Consultation to see if our office and process will work for you.  Then, if you are ready to learn more, we invite you to take a second step, to request our "getting to know you" questionnaire and book a Personalized Planning Meeting.  Completing the questionnaire first is critical. The questionnaire, asks a variety of questions to help us learn more about You, Your loved ones, and what matters to You.  This information allows us to be prepared to discuss You in the Personalized Planning Meeting.  By the way, when we send you the "getting to know you" questionnaire, we will also book your Personalized Planning Meeting.  The third step involves you making the first of many important decisions, and that will be what planning is right for You at that moment in time!

We have heard from prior clients that taking these steps helped them feel empowered and informed about what decisions were in their control and how to take action on them. We realize that You, your loved ones, and what matters to you will change over time, and there is no better time to get started. Changes can be made once you have a foundation.

It is better to have something rather than nothing in place.